Flip Jansen – the Aprilfeest paper bags

April 23 – May 14, 2016 in Café Bern


The legendary festivities on Amsterdam’s Nieuwmarkt, during one week at the end of Aprll (in Dutch: ‘Aprilfeesten’), are a tradition that has been carried on for already 29 years. Or is it 30 years? Nobody knows for sure.

During the first years, posters were being printed to announce the ‘Aprilfeesten’. But 1996 was the first year of the intriguing ‘Aprilfeest paper bags’. They have been around ever since and have become true collector’s items. Every year Flip Jansen creates a new linocut

Please find below an overview of the complete collection of ‘Aprilfeest paper bags’.


1996 edition
2000 edition
2004 edition
2008 edition
2012 edition
1997 edition
2001 edition
2005 edition
2009 edition
2012 deluxe edition
2015 edition
1998 editon
2002 edition
2006 edition
2010 edition
2013 edition
2016 edition
1999 edition
2003  edition
2007 edition
2011 edition
2014 edition

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