Gerrit Pasman: The landscape

The whole field of view

12 March – 22 April 2022 in Café Bern


From 12 March to 22 April 2022 Gerrit Pasman (Lochem, 1955) exhibits landscapes in casein tempera and oil paint in Café Bern. A large, monumental space, translated onto a relatively small surface, while the space experience remains intact.

Please feel free to drop by. From 4:00-6:00 p.m. you can come and see the exhibition at your ease. Or late at night, after 11:00 p.m., when the rather busy dinner time has finished and a lovely relaxed “after hours” atmosphere has descended on Café Bern.

Below you can already have a preview of some of the works exhibited at Café Bern.


Gerrit Pasman

Casein tempera/oil on panel
30,5 x 20 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from 12 March until 22 April 2022


Gerrit Pasman

Casein tempera/oil on panel
30 x 40 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from 12 March until 22 April 2022


Gerrit Pasman

Casein tempera/oil on panel
20 x 30,5 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from 12 March until 22 April 2022


Gerrit Pasman

Casein tempera/oil on panel
22 x 30,5 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from 12 March until 22 April 2022

Gerrit Pasman

Lochem, 1955

The landscape, drawn and painted according to the direct perception. The aim is to reflect what is seen, from eye angle to eye angle, i.e. the whole field of view.

Translating a large, monumental space onto a relatively small surface, where the experience of space remains intact; displaying atmosphere and sensation experienced, with attention to the (clouded) skies, without falling into a meteorological illustration and with understanding of high-voltage masts, etc., lending the work a contemporary character.

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